WARNING: Running Outlook and DigiScope simultaneously may cause connectivity issues.

With DigiScope eDiscovery Software you can Search specific Mailboxes, Folders or the ENTIRE contents of one or more (Offline/Production) Exchange databases and PST files.

NOTE 1: The Find/Search EDB actions are the the same for both Offline and Production sources with the exception that you can tell DigiScope to delete/purge items found during a search against Production sources wherein that is not an option for a Offline sources.

NOTE 2: Before you can export any contents you must have Mounted the Offline Sources OR Connected to the Production Sources.

NOTE 3: If desired create the appropriate filters to include/exclude specific Mailboxes, Folders, or Items before starting your export.

DigiScope is very flexible allowing the operator to execute a search at the Container (Servers/Groups), Database, Mailbox or Folder level and all objects in the path will be searched.

Searching an Entire Database

  1. Mount or Connect to the database before starting the search EDB process
  2. Right click on the mounted/connected database and select Find... (As you can see in the example below we are executing a search ONLY on the "Lucid8 Exchange 2013 Demo Database")
  3. The search dialog will open so that you can enter your criteria and start your search of the entire database selected, however before defining your search please review the Find/Searching (eDiscovery) Overview 

Searching ALL Databases within a Container

  1. Mount or Connect to the database before starting the search
  2. Right click on the desired Container and select Find...(As you can see in the example below we are executing a search against ALL databases within the "Lucid8 Exchange 2103 Group" container.)

  3. The search dialog will open so that you can enter your criteria and start your search of all databases within the "Lucid8 Exchange 2103 Group" container, however before defining your search please review the Find/Searching (eDiscovery) Overview  

NOTE: As you can see in the example above there are actually 6 different containers i.e.

  • Offline (Top of Tree Container that holds all offline objects)
  • Lucid8 Demo (The Server/Machine Container that holds other Group Containers)
  • And 4 different Group Containers that contain different versions of Exchange Databases

NOTE: If you were to right click and start your search from the Lucid8 Demo (Server/Machine Container) it would search all databases within the four groups under that container.

SUPPORT: If you experience issues searching EDB or PST files, have questions or need assistance after following these instructions please Open a New Support Ticket or if you already have a ticket open reply with details and we will be happy to assist.