WARNING: Running Outlook and DigiScope simultaneously may cause connectivity issues.

There are 2 possible causes that might prevent the Advanced Search Dialog from opening when attempting to create a Search or Item level filter action with DigiScope EDB software.


The DigiScope .DAT files may be corrupted

RESOLUTION: Rename the DigiScope EDB software DATA Folder

1. Close DigiScope

2. Navigate to the DigiScope installation folder

  • For a 64BIT OS the path will be Program Files (x86)\Lucid8\DigiScope
  • For a 32BIT OS the path will be Program Files\Lucid8\DigiScope

3. Rename the DATA folder to OLD_DATA
The Data files contain information about the Offline and Production Sources as well as any options previously configured therefore you will need to add/reconfigure all items again.

4. Open DigiScope

5. Try the action again

If this resolves the issue then add in the desired Offline and Production databases and configure the options according to your needs


The DigiScope installation may be corrupt

Uninstall and Install DigiScope EDB software

SUPPORT: If you experience issues, have questions or need assistance after following these instructions please Open a New Support Ticket or if you already have a ticket open reply with details and we will be happy to assist.