WARNING: Running Outlook and DigiScope simultaneously may cause connectivity issues.

There are a few possible causes for this occurring;


When connecting to an Exchange 2013/2016/2019 server you must unblock RPC/HTTP for the DSAdmin{ExchangeVersion} user. For the example below simply change the {ExchangeVersion} variable to match the version of Exchange your connecting to, i.e. DSAdmin2013 or DSAdmin2016 or DSAdmin2019


  1. Execute Powershell Command to enable RPC/HTTP protocol for the DSAdmin or equivalent login/account

    Set-CASMailbox -Identity “DSAdmin{ExchangeVersion}” -MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp $False

  2.  Ensure the "Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access" service is running.  This can be accomplished on the Exchange Server by one of the methods listed below.

    METHOD 1: Check & Modify Windows Services
    • Start the Windows Services App
    • Locate the "Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access" service
    • If the service is NOT running, ensure the startup type is set to "Automatic" and
      manually start the service

METHOD 2: Execute Windows PowerShell commands on the Exchange Server

Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like "Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access"} | Select-Object -Property *

  • If the service is NOT running execute the PowerShell command below

            Start-Service "Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access"


The database is not mounted on the Exchange Server.

RESOLUTION: Mount the Exchange server database and then attempt the connection via DigiScope.

NOTE: If the database will not mount within your Exchange server then you need to resolve this issue before attempting to Connect via the DigiScope Production pane. Depending upon your situation you may want to consider Dial-Tone Recovery


You want to use DigiScope to open a production database that WILL NOT MOUNT within Exchange


NOTE: in this scenario the Production Database will still not be mountable until you perform a Dial-Tone on the problematic database. See the Lucid8 article on Dial-Tone Recovery.


Failure to setup & use the DSAdmin account when connecting to a Production Server.

RESOLUTION: If you are using an account other than DSAdmin{Version} that fails to connect to a production Exchange server database, try the DSAdmin{Version} and if it succeeds it means that the other account has conflicting rights which could have been added directly to that account or via group membership. If this occurs, it is not an issue we can help resolve, therefore please use the DSAdmin{Version} account for all connections.

1. Follow the instruction on Setting up the DigiScope Administrator (DSAdmin)

2. Follow the instructions on Connecting to a Production Database


During creation of the DSAdmin Profile you get the error SSL Certificate is not trusted and already exists in the current user database for trusted root certificate authorities (CAs).

Advanced Troubleshooting

If you are unable to connect after checking the causes listed above, please review "Advanced Troubleshooting Unable to Connect to Production Exchange Server database"

SUPPORT: If you experience issues, have questions or need assistance after following these instructions please Open a New Support Ticket or if you already have a ticket open reply with details and we will be happy to assist.