If you are upgrading your server hardware and or migrating your server from Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 Server and want to Revoke the existing license and transfer it to a new server, this is possible using the "Revoke License" function as long as you meet the following criteria;

  1. You must have a valid maintenance agreement in place at the time of the transfer.

  2. You must notify Lucid8's customer service in writing of the desire to transfer/migrate a previously licensed server.CustomerService@Lucid8.com.

  3. The EXISTING Licensed server must be retired or decommissioned as part of this process, e.g. we will not transfer a license to another server if the pre-existing server will remain operational.

  4. In order to transfer the license between servers, the existing server license MUST FIRST be revoked.

NOTE: The existing server and NEW server MUST BE within the same DOMAIN.

NOTE: A license MAY NOT be installed on a test server or domain and then transferred to a production system.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact Customer Service immediately at 425-456-8462

NOTE: Single Shot licenses are NON-TRANSFERABLE.